
  • 01/04/2025 - Updated home page and removed some links.
  • 12/31/2023 - Added username generator.
  • 09/30/2023 - Added notes page.
  • 08/20/2023 - Server comes online!

General Information

Ex edgy memepage admin, online cult leader, 10+ twitter accounts suspended, 15+ ig accounts shutdown, computer science grad, touhou/fumo enjoyer.

This front page is just here to be filled with text. I work in a telecoms lab since the software graduate market was so awful and am focused on holding down this engineering career. In my free time, I play around with my M1 MacBook Air running Fedora Asahi Remix, shitpost on instagram, watch anime, browse the internet archive, read wikipedia articles, play war thunder and occasionally check danbooru. Not much has changed since the pandemic.

A few years ago I went ahead and rented a VPS and bought a cute little domain name out of boredom. I may use this for practical purposes or I may not. It's hardly a portfolio site since all my actual projects are under my real name somewhere and I'd rather keep those two things seperate.